Thursday, January 25, 2007

Response - Digital vs. Analog

Blog Post about The Nature of Information

HTML is awesome!!!

I think the description of the differences between Analog and Digital is very interesting. Up until about 10 years ago, everything we dealt with was Analog because things that were digital were very expensive. Now, everything we encounter is digital, whether it is a watch, cell phone, music, video, speakers, televisions, and basically any transmission between two devices. It's so cool to think that we are involved in an almost all digital world, when just 10 or so years ago we were solely analog.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Library of Babel


The author of this explanation Jorge Luis Borges goes on to say that man, in our world is surrounded by an infinite amount of information. He states that in a sense, our world is a library of information, in which we have no even tapped into. There is an unlimited amount of information and data, organized differently everywhere across the globe. He tries to explain how we evolved from being our own librarians in ancient times to what we are today. We are simply living in our own library, and we are our own librarians; Teaching, learning, and living.

Friday, January 12, 2007

About Me

My name is Jason Moss. I am from Suffern, New York and am an Informatics Major and Business Minor.